Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is the oldest system of medicine in the world. Nowadays, Currently the phenomenon of traditional Chinese medicine is widely spoken and written. Maybe that’s why more and more people are interested in Eastern philosophy and various health practices.

But still, very few people currently meet WHO standard of health: “Health is the perfect condition of the body, both mental and social.”
Let us see why TCM takes first place in the national cultural heritage of China and why this medicine is important for all humanity.

TCM synthesizes ancient knowledge and skilfully fights against various ailments of mankind. Eastern philosophy has a unique system of views on the relationship of man with the universe: a human being is a microcosm, which is in constant communication with the Universal macrocosm.

The philosophy of Chinese medicine recognizes the universal interconnection of objects and phenomena of the world, the movement and development of the world as a result of internal contradictions in it.

TCM professes the principle “get well while healthy” and “keep your health.” TCM assures that everyone can support health and cheerful state of mind by regular physical activity, taking in the fresh air, by a balanced and varied diet, by a moderate lifestyle.
TCM postulates that good health is not just the absence of disease, but a special state of mind and body when a person radiates cheerfulness and glows with health. Chinese people honour their culture and lead a healthy lifestyle, using effectively simple methods of treatment.
The doctors of Traditional oriental Chinese medicine believe that their task is to promote the health of the healthy, increase health reserves of the falling ill and treat patients.

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